Ehrenreich klärt es selbst auf... flat
Autor: Pezking
Datum:25.05.18 09:05
Antwort auf:Re:Hui! von Ihsan einem kürzlich erschienenn Esquire-Interview:

"For months, it’s been reported that the actor struggled to effectively mimic Ford—to the point where Lucasfilm, allegedly concerned about his performance, ushered in a coach to coax out a better one. This, according to the actor, has been blown out of proportion. The “coach” in question was writer-director Maggie Kiley, he said: “She was part of conversations that happened for a couple weeks at one point, but that was basically it.” Lord and Miller also told Esquire that Kiley is someone they’ve worked with before, and that she was brought on as a resource for themselves and the entire cast—not just Ehrenreich."


Also weder Schauspiellehrer, noch speziell für Ehrenreich.

Es ist echt unglaublich, wie negativ die ganze Berichterstattung zu Solo von Anfang an war und wie sehr sich manche Teile der Fanszene einen Vollflop herbeigesehnt haben.

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