Season 2 Reviews bei Polygon und AV Club... flat
Autor: Kilian
Datum:24.10.17 17:07
Antwort auf:Stranger Things - Mystery Serie mit Spielberg Atmo von Derrick


Ein paar spoilerfreie Auszüge aus dem Review:

"It’s not going to convert skeptics who dismissed the first season (...), but it gives the faithful more of what they liked the first time around. (...) It’s nine more episodes of a surprise phenomenon that might be uneven, but still has plenty of power up its sleeve."


Ebenfalls kritisch, aber im Endeffekt doch ein positives Review:

"Again, like Stranger Things, Stranger Things 2 is almost impossible not to fall in love with. (...) Stranger Things 2 builds upon everything the first season did right and, for the most part, greatly improves it (...) which creates one hell of a television experience that’s very much worth your time."

Dass Season 2 wohl mehr Horror-Elemente hat, finde ich persönlich etwas schade. Mehr Sci-Fi und Goonies-Style hätte ich besser gefunden, aber es ist wohl dennoch ertragbar bzw. massentauglich:

"It should be noted that Stranger Things 2 is far more frightening than the first season, but it isn’t scary. There are more jump scares and grotesque imagery, but this isn’t Halloween or Hellraiser."

Ab Freitag, den 27.10. wissen wir mehr! :)

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