Re:Ist evtl. nicht korrekt -> 600k + Boni flat
Autor: Pezking
Datum:21.06.17 17:49
Antwort auf:Ist evtl. nicht korrekt -> 600k + Boni von Disabled35643

>Ausm GAF:
>"Deadline is saying that Gal Gadot was bumped up to $600k for Wonder Woman before the film started shooting, and had bonus thresholds that she no doubt passed. "

Das habe ich vorhin auch gelesen, den dazugehörigen Deadline-Artikel jedoch nirgends gefunden.

Edit: Aha! Google hat zwar zu "Deadline Gal Gadot 600000" nix ausgespuckt, aber eine Suche auf direkt führte zum Erfolg:

"I’ve heard that might have been the figure she was supposed to get but that Warner Bros agreed to double it to around $600,000 before her movie began production. Add in the bonus checks she already has earned once Wonder Woman became a global blockbuster, and her payday is already in the multiple seven figures."


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