Re:Eine Anmerkung flat
Autor: Suttree
Datum:28.08.16 10:38
Antwort auf:Re:Eine Anmerkung von BOzard

>>Falls nicht schon erwähnt. Das 21. Jahrhundert begann am 01.01.2001. 2000er dürften eigentlich nicht dazu zählen. []
>Die BBC-Liste enthält auch Filme von 2000. Und darum geht's ja hier. Um die Maniac-Variante davon.

Jo, wollt's auch gerade schreiben:

"For the purposes of this poll we have decided that a list of the greatest films of the 21st Century should include the year 2000, even though we recognise that there was no ‘Year Zero’ and that 2001 is mathematically the start of the century. Not only did we all celebrate the turn of the millennium on 31 December 1999, but the year 2000 was a landmark in global cinema, and, in particular, saw the emergence of new classics from Asia like nothing we had ever seen before."


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