Re:Die zweite war auch schon okay. flat
Autor: jokerone
Datum:02.02.16 21:35
Antwort auf:Die zweite war auch schon okay. von Atlan

>Für heutige Maßstäbe natürlich immer noch trashig, aber letztlich eine konsequente Fortsetzung des alten Formats ohne Experimente – und was anderes will man in dem Fall ja eigentlich auch nicht.

Ich verstehe Deinen hate nicht, Fringe und Supernatural sind viel trashiger.
Alle 3 Folgen sind außerdem deutlich besser als der ganze Müll aus Season 9.

Ich fand die zweite Folge sehr gut (eben konsequent Akte X) und die erste trotz vieler Macken ok. Die dritte Episode hingegen ist für mich Supernatural style und viel zu trashig. Der Versuch selbstironisch/witzig/nerdig zu sein funktioniert für mich nicht.

edit: Aus IMDB ein brauchbares Review:

"A waste
Author: lor_ from New York, New York
2 February 2016

Since the new "X-Files" is an extremely limited series order of episodes, this throwback comedy (title recalls Universal's lame "Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy" programmers of the '50s) is a waste of limited resources and airtime. Obviously many die-hard fans seem amused, but they deserve better - like trying to hit a homer week in and week out.

So we get to see décolletage in a fantasy scene of Gillian Anderson getting down; and we see both stars' comic timing. Hey, their many other acting hires for the BBC or movies or Showtime give them a chance to stretch - there's no point in cutesy stuff like this as a lull or breather in the forward thrust of this series. If they were cranking out 40 or more yearly episodes like a '50s half-hour series I could understand placing a one-off time-killer on the schedule, but with 6 total episodes, seriously?

If fans were more critical they would file "Were-Monster" close to the jump-the-shark bin. It reminded me of that one-off "Lost" episode where two guest stars mixed up the regular cast with a new premise and were duly killed off (and literally buried) by the end of the hour. Perhaps binge watchers of the future will appreciate this respite from hard-hitting, tense action if they are sitting through dozens of hours of "X-Files" at a sitting, but tuning in I was only mildly amused by the easy targets for satire (most of which undermined Carter's premise for the series almost as an "I don't take this stuff seriously" reminder) and overall felt my time was wasted. "


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