Re:leider quatsch flat
Autor: tikiman
Datum:25.02.15 05:14
Antwort auf:Re:leider quatsch von Wurzelgnom

>>also dass BB ein festesetztes ende hatte. die wussten weder wieviele staffeln, noch wie die geschichte enden sollte. die haben noch waehrend des drehs bei der ersten staffel ueberlegt bzw. noch nicht gewusst, ob jesse die staffel ueberleben wird.
>ja ok, das wäre ein Faden von Vielen die man abwandeln kann.
>Aber ich dachte das Grundgerüst der Geschichte bzw. die Abschnitte in den einzelnen Staffeln standen schon fest?

"That’s a really good question, and one I ask myself each and every day. As Bryan Cranston puts it, the end date is kind of a moving target. I like the way he words that, because I understand what he means. The longer we do this series, the more possibilities and opportunities present themselves to us storywise. But furthermore, there’s a logistical reason why the question of an end date becomes harder to answer, and that is that luckily we are pleasing the company that produces our show, Sony Television, and the AMC network, and our show luckily is growing in the ratings and doing well. So then the question becomes, “How quickly do you want to put 150-200 people out of work?” How long you can keep things going and how long you should keep things going are two questions that don’t necessarily have the same answer, but they’re two questions I ask myself pretty much every day.

And I’m not being coy when I say I don’t really have a great answer. In my mind's eye I originally saw the show going maybe three seasons, and now I definitely see beyond three seasons. At least four, and possibly five. But it is a very tricky question to answer and it’s one of those things where it’s better to leave the party too soon than too late. You’d rather leave the people wanting more rather than leave them thinking, “Jesus, that guy overstayed his welcome.” I don’t know exactly how long that is, though, which worries me and also excites me. You have this opportunity to keep going for as long as you choose, but you’d better choose right."



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