David Grohl dazu + Polka flat
Autor: tralalu
Datum:29.07.14 09:10
Antwort auf:Guilty Pleasures von Nightfall

“I don’t believe in guilty pleasures. If you fucking like something, like it. That’s what’s wrong with our generation: that residual punk rock guilt, like, “You’re not supposed to like that. That’s not fucking cool.” Don’t fucking think it’s not cool to like Britney Spears’ “Toxic.” It is cool to like Britney Spears’ “Toxic”! Why the fuck not? Fuck you! That’s who I am, goddamn it! That whole guilty pleasure thing is full of fucking shit.”

David Grohl


Recht hat der Mann!
Having said that: I mog Polka! So a richtigs Humpa-Pa, taugt mir!

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Bläserne Grüße

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