Und erneut kann ich mich DEM hier nur 100%ig anschließen flat
Autor: Nitschi
Datum:19.05.09 13:16
Antwort auf:So, jetzt ENDLICH gesehen! :) (SPOILAARZ!) von Nitschi


Das trifft in FAST jedem Punkt meine Meinung, nur dass der gute Blogschreiber dort das etwas besser ausführen kann als ich. ;)

Sein Fazit:

"On the whole I found this to be a satisfying wrap up of the first season. It wasn’t as elaborate or tear-jerking as your classic Lost season-enders but it still worked. It achieved what it set out to do by contextualising the previous 19 episodes and, wrapping up a few mysteries and giving us a bridge (pun not initially intended but I’ll take it) into next season.

Not only has this season given us an alternate look at realities, but it’s provided an alternate way to portray serialized TV - by melding it with stand-alone episodes. I would say it has been a successful venture, but I can’t help but feel the show would benefit immensely from going more serialized - the culmination of the characters journeys in this final episode may also have been more ‘epic’ had we had a tighter arc. That said, I don’t have many complaints (aside from a quibble or two) and I commend the creators for trying something different in this first season."

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