Re:S01E16 flat
Autor: Nitschi
Datum:16.04.09 15:08
Antwort auf:S01E16 von KeMoHaMeHa

>sehr geile folge! aber wieder nur eine filler episode?

SO geil fand ich sie jetzt auch nicht. :) Die Folge war schon okay (auf der klassischen Punkteskala würd ich so ~6/10 geben), aber a) hat mich das Monster dann doch ein wenig enttäuscht b) mag ich grundsätzlich die Folgen lieber, die den Hauptstrang der ganzen Story weiterspinnen und auch verstärkt auf vorherige Folgen und das "große Ganze" Bezug nehmen, und  dahingehend hat diese Folge sehr wenig geboten IMO.

Das hier fasst meinen Eindruck der Folge recht gut zusammen:


"The ‘monster of the week’ was quite literally a monster of the week. I didn’t expect to see another ‘Transformation’ style beast quite so soon, but that’s that cool and long as it feels authentic. I liked “The Transformation” because it drove the main story, had a resonating beat to it, and the porcupine-man-beast looked half decent. “Unleashed”, was more “Caged” — the main story, though it dipped its finger in Walter’s extensive past, never really got out of first gear. And the hybrid beast wasn’t one of their best works."


"Overall this was a good episode, but it wasn’t what I was hoping for at this stage in the season. Understand that I love this show — I wouldn’t run one, let alone, two fan sites for it if I didn’t. But I like to be honest in my reviews — I’m not a fan-boy who believes that everything to come out of the Bad Robot magic box is magic. We cant get stellar episodes all of the time. I like to think that even a ‘good’ episode of Fringe is better than most things on TV.

This episode wasn’t one of my favourites - at times it felt like I was watching another show (I wont say which). Some of this was probably down to the stand-alone structure of the episode — last week had a similar structure, but it felt more character driven and tapped into more of the mythology with the Child Observer. As I’ve said from the beginning, I think that Fringe would be even better if it embraced a more serialized format. That said, I don’t blame them for trying to do something different. But how can it be denied that the best episodes of the season have been the serialized ones?

But stand-alone or serialized, the story still has to be well crafted for it to transcend the screen. Like I said, this was a good episode, but I didn’t feel moved or inspired like I have with previous episodes. I can live with that, this is a show that I’m certainly willing to allow time for it to fully blossom into what it threatens to be."

>wir werden wohl erst zum staffel finale erfahren was wirklich abgeht.

Ich hoffe (und glaube eigtl. auch), dass sie wieder verstärkt zur Hauptstory zurückkommen werden und diese vorantreiben bzw. weiter enthüllen. Ich persönlich steh nicht so auf diese "monster of the week" (wie es mittlerweile recht treffend genannt wird) Episoden. Aber mal sehen! :)

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