und neues Firmware Update flat
Autor: Joschi
Datum:30.08.23 13:50
Antwort auf:Inhalt der Arcade Memories 2 von Blockdrift


About improvements
Now supporting "Intelligent Controller Cyberstick" model: XE1AJ-USB. (Operation Wolf/Night Striker only)
You can adjust the main unit volume during pause in gameplay, by operating the lever left and right while pressing the C button (* Not supported when playing "ARCADE MEMORIES VOL.1" and "Paddle & Trackball Game" with SD card)

immerhin, aber warum nicht in den Paddle Games??? verstehe ich nicht.

You can switch to demo mode by pressing the (C button) on the game select screen

Bug fixes

Fixed the "Kyukyoku Tiger" BOSS' shot trajectory in Stage 2 and Stage 8.
Fixed the continuous fire (D/E button) muzzle velocity reaction for "The Legend of Kage", "The NewZealand Story" and "Tatsujin".
Fixed the typographical errors in the description of "Pirate Pete", "Elevator Action", "RayForce", and "Puzzle Bobble 2X".
Fixed the license notation for "Kyukyoku Tiger" and "Tatsujin".
Fixed the partial mistake on "chronological" order of title select.

(Those who have the Paddle & Trackball Game Expansion Set)

Changed the design of "Arkanoid" ROUND 1.

Ist das jetzt das Original??? Das wär ja cool. Habs noch nicht installiert...

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