Re:Ich wäre durchaus interessiert, aber... flat
Autor: Baseman
Datum:19.02.23 09:35
Antwort auf:Re:Ich wäre durchaus interessiert, aber... von Guy

>War bei mir genau dasselbe.
>Am Ende wurde mir schon schlecht wenn ich das Headset nur angesehen habe.

Ein dazu interessanter Beitrag wie ich finde:

Biggest mistake newcomers do is to turn off the accomodations settings because of the preconceived notion that those things are jarring based of their flat gaming experience, get nauseated really fast and think VR isn't for them that they are too sensitive to VR sickness.

Even worse mistake is to try to push through the nausea feeling and keep playing which not only will make you feel bad for hours(if not the full day) but also trains your brain to be even more sensitive to VR sickness. DO NOT PUSH through. At first sign of unease STOP. Keep it a pleasant (but short initially) interval and your brain will become more and more trained to VR and you'll be able to do more and more intense VR experience with less and less accomodations.

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