Re:Spencer: "The way Sony grows is by making Xbox smalle flat
Autor: Koaxialtransistor
Datum:08.12.22 16:09
Antwort auf:Spencer: "The way Sony grows is by making Xbox smaller" von Superfrog

>"There’s really only been one major opposer to the deal and that’s Sony. Sony is trying to protect their dominance on console. The way they grow is by making Xbox smaller. They have a very different view of the industry than we do. They don’t ship their games day and date on PC. They don’t put their games in the subscription when they launch their games."
>Beschreibt ganz gut die Situation und wieso Sony mit aller Macht den Deal verhindern möchte. Alles, was am Status Quo von Sonys Geschäftsmodell rüttelt, mag Sony nicht.

Rofl einen Scheiß tut es, dass sich vor allem gerade MS beschwert, ist an Absurdität kaum zu überbieten.

Ansonsten, was Droog schreibt.

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