Re:Wo ist da jetzt eigentlich der große Spoiler? flat
Autor: phaxy
Datum:15.09.22 11:02
Antwort auf:Re:Wo ist da jetzt eigentlich der große Spoiler? von Kilian

>>Die Mehrdeutigkeit des Wortes "Tears".
>Welches andere „tears“ außer „Tränen“ meinst du denn noch? „To tear apart“ oder wie!?

Just what are the “tears of the kingdom?” Is that a play on the phrase “keys to the kingdom?” Possibly, but it’s even more likely that the title is referencing actual tears (or at least the divine equivalent of tears). After all, tears are a recurring item in later Legend of Zelda games. The first Zelda title to use them was The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, which asked players to collect Tears of Light in order to revive the Spirits of Light. Those tears reappeared in The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks and Hyrule Warriors as collectibles needed to improve Link’s swords and as a resource item, respectively. The only other Zelda game to prominently feature tears thus far is The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, but in that game, the specific items are called Sacred Tears and are only used to stun the Guardians of the Silent Realm. Still, Skyward Sword is the earliest game in the Zelda timeline, so you could take that to mean that the concept of tears has technically been in the franchise’s lore since its known beginning.


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