Train Valley 11.99€ flat
Autor: Lynne
Datum:27.07.22 11:11
Antwort auf:Neue Downloads auf dem Xbox Live-Marktplatz 36 von Lynne

Train Valley 11.99€

Wollte schon Interesse anmelden, aber sowas schreckt mich ab:

The early stages of Train Valley: Console Edition are a bit of a struggle. The controls feel whack, the action is fast and unrelenting, whilst the need to balance many elements is enough to have you on the verge of quitting.

Yet, even then, no matter how well the BlitWorks and Flazm teams have attempted to translate from the mobile and PC scene, piling tons of actions onto a console controller in the best way possible, it’s that control scheme and user interface which occasionally sees Train Valley: Console Edition derail; moving from frequently fun and fluid to a frustrating fever.

Immerhin kann man pausieren, klingt mir aber trotzdem etwas zu anstrengend, auch wenn sich der Rest mehr als gut liest.


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