Re:das eurogamer review liest sich schön objektiv flat
Autor: Baseman
Datum:14.02.22 14:12
Antwort auf:das eurogamer review liest sich schön objektiv von Hanfling

>das erforschen der welt war banane, weil alles vorgegeben wird. die NPCs sind leere hüllen die teils planlos in der gegend rumstehen oder immer die selben 5 animationen abspielen. sowas turnt mich immer ab, wenn die welt den offensichtlichen anspruch hat glaubwürdig zu wirken.

Horizon features such a wonderfully realised post-post-apocalyptic world, and the ways it cleverly reaches back into its history — our present — to provide an alternative perspective on things are fantastic.

Sylens, played by Lance Reddick, is a brilliantly realised character, with realistic, well thought out motivations and needs.

But the thing about Forbidden West is that all of the characters are built like Sylens — they’re all three dimensional. Even some characters on side quests have more depth to them than every single character in some other games I’ve played (*cough* Dying Light 2). With so much world to build out, I think Guerrilla does a great job at filling it with people who are worth interacting with — it makes seeking out side quests worth doing, slightly opening things up for the game.

Und nu?!

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