Re:Gab oft Berichte dazu flat
Autor: MH
Datum:13.01.22 11:55
Antwort auf:Gab oft Berichte dazu von Pfombo

>Kurze Google-Ausbeute:
>Guy Diep, father of an 8-year-old boy, tells Polygon that while his son asked for money for Fortnite cosmetics to avoid the stigma of a default, what he heard between the lines was more heartbreaking than that.
>“To translate him, he’s actually saying: ‘I NEED this skin because of my lack of self-esteem and confidence,’” Diep says. Many kids end up spending money in a free game just to keep up with the in crowd.


Fantastisch. Geld aus Scheisse. Jamba Spar-Abo?

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