Passiert auch "heute" noch: flat
Autor: Karpador
Datum:07.10.21 09:20
Antwort auf:Re:Hier auch noch mal der Gleylancer Trailer von Karpador

Dieser absolute Schwachsinn war 2008 bei Eurogamer zum Release auf Wii Virtual Console zu lesen - immer noch unfassbar, wie man sowas durchwinken konnte. Zum Glück haben die mit Martin Robinson heute einen für solche Themen dramatisch kompetenteren Mann in Bord.

Do you know how hard it is to do this every week without resorting to sarcastic "Oh look, another shoot-'em-up" quips? It's really hard. This week certainly doesn't help matters, adding another two cult Japanese shooters to the Virtual Console's already groaning pile.

This one goes lefty-right, not upply-down, and is another from that little shmup sub-genre where you get to choose your attack pattern before the game starts. This screen is in English, and has been translated in a very chatty informal style. It's also refreshingly honest. "You can aim at enemies automatically," it says of a configuration that aims your remote pods at the bad guys for you, "But it does not necessarily move as you like. Do not count on it too much." Yes, that's right. The shooting game just told you not to rely on your weapons too much.

The other options (there are seven in all) tend to require you to rotate your fire manually, or follow in the footsteps of games like R-Type by having auxiliary attack drones follow you around the screen. Either way, there's not much here to distinguish it from the multitude of similar shooters already available cheaper on the VC.

The speed is sluggish, at least on the default setting, and you need to ramp it up in the options for the game to feel remotely playable. Even then, frustration rears its head all too soon, with an opening level that takes place against a scrolling parallax asteroid field that sends you cross-eyed. Mix in a one-hit-kill element with some enemies that are exactly the same colour as the hypnotic backdrop, and you've got a game that really doesn't command 900 points.


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