DF schaut sich das mit fps-Boost an flat
Autor: Lynne
Datum:08.07.21 12:50
Antwort auf:Dark Souls 3 #4 - Praise the Sun von KOSH

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From playing the opening hours of the game, it performs near-perfectly on both Xbox Series X and S. Practically every major locale, including the fire-spewing dragon on the High Walls of Lothric, is delivered at a smooth 60fps. And yes, that applies to both consoles as by and large, Xbox Series S runs identically to Series X for the vast majority of play. The only exception I could find was a single, brief drop to 53fps during an early fight with a mutating creature on the Lothric roof. Heavy alpha effects buckle Series S only momentarily, while this spot's not an issue at all on Series X. The results are excellent all round, but Series X has a very slight edge in consistency with the fringe cases.

Klingt doch gut.

Der dicke Haken ist allerdings, dass halt nur die fps geboostet werden - die Auflösung bleibt weiterhin bei 900p und damit ist's auf der PS5 auch weiterhin am schärfsten in der Konsolenwelt bei 60 fps.


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