GBA Splitscreen Multiplayer flat
Autor: JPS
Datum:17.06.21 21:06
Antwort auf:MiSTer: verschiedenste Konsolen auf einem FPGA von caipirol


Test-Version für Patreon Unterstützer: []

How does it work?

Most features needed to be stripped out of the core to make it fit twice into the FPGA.

There is no VGA out (only HDMI), no Savestates, no Fastforward, no Turbo mode, no Shader colors, no 2X HD rendering, no filters.

Instead, you get 2 raw GBA cores, one connected to SDRAM, one connected to DDR3, communicating directly inside the FPGA. Sound is used from Core 1 only.

Implemented for multiplayer are the 2 most common link modes (GBA has 4 different modes). Most multiplayer games should be supported.

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