Hahahahaha - Deppen Bungie und Transmog flat
Autor: Pfroebbel
Datum:23.04.21 06:36
Antwort auf:Destiny 2 Forsaken - Thread 4 von Pfroebbel


Es ist so absurd man kann es nicht glauben das das deren Ernst ist



Before we get too deep, here’s a quick list of steps that players will take to convert their armor appearance into Universal Armor Ornaments:

Defeat enemies to earn Synthstrand.
Spend Synthstrand on bounties to earn Synthcord.
Convert Synthcord at the Loom in the Tower into Synthweave.
Use Synthweave to convert an unlocked armor appearance (Legendary quality or lower) from Collections into a Universal Armor Ornament.

How many of these can you earn?
Players may earn up to ten Synthweave per class, per Season. Except in Season of [REDACTED]...

To celebrate the introduction of Armor Synthesis, in Season of [REDACTED], players may earn ten additional Synthweave per class through the introductory experience. In total, during Season of [REDACTED] players may earn up to 20 Synthweave per class, which can either be used to convert four full sets to ornaments, or 20 specific items.

Eververse will also offer Synthweave Templates for direct purchase through the Guardian Appearance screen. Players may either purchase a single Synthweave, or they may purchase a five-piece bundle.

To avoid mistaken purchases, Synthweave Templates from Eververse can be applied to any class.



Es ist unfassbar was da für mittlerweile offenbar nur noch für Stümper arbeiten. Oder keine Stümper sondern gierige Arschgeigen :(

gesendet mit m!client für iOS

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