das mit den Shining Orbs hat mir niemand gesagt flat
Autor: pacmanamcap
Datum:24.01.21 14:14
Antwort auf:Fist of the North Star (Hokuto ga Gotoku) witzig brutal von FS

Shining Orb (Gold) - These orbs are only earned upon completion of chapters, from Chapter 1 through the Finale. You do not get a Shining Orb upon completing the Prologue. There are only ten to be earned within a single playthrough, but they are applied to golden-ringed spots on all four Ability Trees, of which there are a total of fifteen, meaning you will not complete all Ability Trees in a single playthrough. You'll have to come back in a New Game + to complete every last ability.

Ich bin jetzt vierzig Stunden rumgeeiert und habe Gott-weiss-wieviele Quests erledigt, weil ich gehofft habe, daduch irgendwie die nächste Trainingseinheit bei Toki zu triggern.

Ok, dann halt mit new Game Plus und Clear Data.
Runde zwei.

Sehr tolles Spiel.

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