Verschoben auf 2021 flat
Autor: Fred LaBosch
Datum:10.12.20 15:39
Antwort auf:Windjammers 2 von DotEmu von Fred LaBosch

Ich hatte ja gehofft, dass es heute bei den Game Awards ein paar tolle Neuigkeiten gibt, aber auf Discord haben die Entwickler gerade bekannt gegeben, dass sich der Release weiter verzögert.

Hoffen wir mal, dass sie endlich auch einsehen, dass XBox und PS5 Versionen eine tolle Sache wären.

Hello @everyone,

Today we've got something important to tell you about Windjammers 2 development.

First of all thank you everyone for sharing so many feedback with us during the Steam Summer Festival last June.

We analysed in depth all feedback shared (positive, mixed and also negative) about a lot of stuffs including the lack of rollback for the online mode.

We had to do something because Windjammers 2 online mode is also meant to encourage the competitive community to get into the game.

We started to fix and add what were necessary. Nevertheless, these changes caused delays and as a result forced us to postpone the release date to 2021.

This decision is a tough one and it has serious consequences for all of us. But we think it' fair enough if it allows us to give you the Windjammers 2 you expect and deserve.

Windjammers 2 is an ambitious project that we love and that we cannot ruin with wrong decisions that could jeopardise its quality.

We hope that you understand our decision and that despite the delay, you'll enjoy this new adventure with your family, friends or even rivals.

We'll give you news about the game more regularly and we also apologize for our silence which lasted far too long.

Hier noch mal von Twitter:


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