Review von Destructoid flat
Autor: Rand al'Thor
Datum:09.11.20 12:35
Antwort auf:Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Next Gen Assassins Creed von klinke

"But I also found myself making excuses for Assassin's Creed Valhalla until I couldn't any longer. It mimics the Odyssey formula but takes a step backward in almost every way. It sacrifices story for scale. It's designed to discourage stealth in favor of epic battles. It's true to the Viking experience, but it isn't true to the Assassin's Creed experience. That's why it comes off feeling like the least essential game in the whole series. Impressive in some of its accomplishments, but inessential all the same."


Schade, aber anders als bei Origins und Odyssey sagt mir auch das Setting überhaupt nicht zu. Da warte ich lieber auf das erste Next-gen-exklusive AC.

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