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Autor: Lynne
Datum:20.09.20 13:16
Antwort auf:How Series S backwards compatibility really works von lion88

Die Möglichkeit, dass Spiele für von der One mit doppelter Framerate laufen können wurde ja vorher nur so am Rande erwähnt, bei DF gehen sie ja etwa ins Detail:

"There's no real perf tuning necessary when you do this, and so often it's just as easy as changing three lines of code, and then the game works." Goossen adds. "Even when it's not that easy, the fixes are still pretty minor. We had one triple-A title where doubling the frame-rate really worked perfectly, except that the crowd animation was twice as fast as normal. And so, those sorts of fixes are typically very, very easy for developers to go fix. We're working with game developers and publishers to update [their titles. It'll basically be select games that run at a doubled frame-rate on the Series S."]

Und, wie schon vroher bei den BC-Sachen, so werden sie auch hier wieder kräftig helfen, wenn das ein Entwickler möchte:

Some games will be able to see this functionality enabled by the developer themselves, while others may be collaborations between the game maker and Microsoft's compatibility team.

"In some cases, for more service-based games or games that are still have active communities, it'll actually be easier for the developer to do it," says Xbox director of program management, Jason Ronald. "And then in other cases, we may be able to do things at our level, on behalf of the title, similar to how we've done it in the past. These are all things that we're actively working through as we get closer to launch and we'll have more to share about specific enhancements in specific titles closer to launch."


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