Apple lässt bei anderen Apps auch ma Fünfe gerade sein flat
Autor: Pfombo
Datum:19.08.20 23:50
Antwort auf:Apple vs Microsoft, Sony und Nintendo von membran

Muss noch ma nach Belegen suchen. Hab aber mitbekommen, dass es im App Store durchaus Apps gibt, die ihre In-App-Purchases ebenfalls am Store vorbei anbieten und die 30% hierfür nich abdrücken, die Apple aber trotzdem nicht ausm Store entfernt. Sie sind da wohl etwas inkonsequent.


Hier is was
The debate is larger than just the 30 percent cut. Apple is facing heightened criticism these days over how it not only manages the App Store and its mandatory fees, but also for how it applies its guidelines in ways some developers and critics feel is unfair and may in fact be designed to benefit Apple over its competitors.
For instance, Apple recently gave Amazon an exemption to the 30 percent fee when selling TV show and movie rentals through its Prime Video app, something the company says is only allowed for certain streaming video platforms. Additionally, court documents released during the Big Tech antitrust hearing last month revealed Apple cut a special deal with Amazon in 2016 to lower the fees it takes on Prime Video subscriptions from 30 percent down to 15 percent to get Amazon’s app on the App Store.

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