Re:For me, The Last of Us Part II was a huge disappointment flat
Autor: lion88
Datum:12.06.20 21:57
Antwort auf:For me, The Last of Us Part II was a huge disappointment von tonynash

>sagt zumindest Skill Up:
>zu doof, dass die Reviews derart beschnitten sind.
>Ich glaub' ich warte erst mal ein Let's Play ab, Day 1 ist mir jetzt zu unsicher.

I did not enjoy The Last of Us Part II


We're finally getting it into people's hands, to see this meticulous journey that we've crafted for Ellie and how these events affect her, the highs and lows of that journey - that there's beautiful sweet moments and these dark, hard moments to deal with. And we want it to be challenging, right? It's like, yes, there are games that are just comfort food. This is not one of those games - there are moments in the game that are comfort food, and there moments are really challenging emotionally to play through. That's part of the design of it.

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