Re: Little Devil Inside flat
Autor: HomiSite
Datum:12.06.20 09:48
Antwort auf:meine persönliche kleine Überraschung: Little Devil... von Beetle163

LITTLE DEVIL INSIDE fand ich auch sehr sympathisch. Dass es ja wirklich schon "uralt" ist wie unten gesagt, wusste ich nicht. Dank des Grafikstils sah es schon damals schön aus.

Es ging noch durch Steam Greenlight, wurde 2015 (!) auf Kickstarter finanziert und sollte dann auch für Wii U kommen (was immer noch auf der veralteten Homepage des südkoreanischen Entwicklers steht - wie ich so etwas hasse ^^: []).

Aktuelle Meldung nach der PS5-Enthüllung:

>Little Devil Inside will be coming to PS5 on a PlayStation "Timed" Exclusive basis and it will also come to the existing PS4 system. This does not affect our plans to release for PC concurrently.

Auf YouTube gibt's auch schon diverse Spielszenen über die Jahre. Es scheint mehr Survival/Crafting zu haben als gedacht und ich hoffe, die Kämpfe sind auf Dauer abwechslungsreich.

Auszüge aus der damaligen Beschreibung auf Kickstarter ([]):

>Little Devil Inside is a truly engaging 3D action adventure RPG game where you are thrown into a surreal but somewhat familiar setting with humans, creatures and monsters to interact with, learn and hunt - journey, survive and discover the world that exists beyond.
>This game is not just about killing arch-demons and saving the world. Take in the atmosphere and live a realistic life in an unrealistic world. This is a game that tells stories about people with 'unusual' jobs such as hunting monsters and what happens in their everyday life doing so. [...]
>Little Devil Inside is fundamentally an exploration focused survival action RPG game. [...]  Unlike some other survival games, there will be a home town or city to return to and rest and prepare for your next mission. The town itself will have its own set of events and elements to interact with. [...]
>The game will not be about entering dungeons, killing at a monster as quickly as you can and returning to town to obtain rewards. The pace of the game will be like a long journey. You will need to prepare for any unexpected encounters with the weather, have the necessary intel about the region, equip your gear as you see fit, get on a vehicle and react to unexpected events that arise during your journey. Depending on how you prepare for the mission and how you react and respond to events will determine how easily or hard you can achieve the missions. [...]
>You are hired by a Professor who is investigating and studying unusual, concerning activities in the outside world to develop new technologies. [...] More than that, you can manage your own team as part of the Faculty. You can interview and hire new team members and send them on missions that match their specialties. [...]
>- Multiplayer
>- Friend invite (like Borderland)
>- Co-op mission with friends
>- Random encounter with other players within the game. [...]

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