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Autor: Pfroebbel
Datum:19.05.20 19:21
Antwort auf:Ghost of Tsushima - Sucker Punch - PS4 von Pfroebbel


Combat is very difficult
Even though we saw someone slicing through enemies in the State of Play, I assumed that this player was very skilled, and that the eventual gameplay will be way harder on us. Nate completely agreed with me. “We are trying to make a grounded game in that sense, so a couple blows from the enemy will kill you. The game is very challenging. We have three words to describe the combat: Mud, blood and steel. We absolutely honor the lethality of the sword. We watched samurai movies and people go down with one or two strikes, and that is embedded inside of the combat. Beating the Mongols in battle will be hard, but it’s that challenge that makes it feel alive and the victory rewarding. You can’t just run into a camp and fight 5 people at the same time, you will get overwhelmed and die.”

Engaging combat and succeeding won't be easy, and you probably have to use everything you got to win a fight, and most importantly play smart. Sucker Punch wants to honor this trait from old samurai movies, by introducing one-on-one stand-offs against other swordsman, that will prove to be very challenging. “One thing we didn’t show at State of Play which I wish we had, was that the game features duels against other expert swordsman. This is classic samurai stuff. Those fights are incredibly difficult and they’re driven from personality and get solved in the most cinematic way possible, which is also true to fantasy. You need to study your opponent and understand how they attack in order to win.”

“What you saw in the presentation was some side action in the game. It was not part of one's particular story. The map has Mongolians everywhere, and the main part will be Jin’s transformation from being a samurai to overtime becoming the Ghost. Next to that story you will meet people that try to survive in the world, with stories that will branch of off the main one. That is what the body of the game is made up off.”

“By not following Jin’s story and going after your curiosity, you will definitely become stronger than by just following Jin’s story in one line, but more importantly, you get a way more varied and interesting experience. There are all sorts of hidden stories and items you get acces to by following your curiosity. This is why we didn’t add markers on the map. We want you to get lost in Tsushima, that when you are heading to a hill, you suddenly hear a bird you think, maybe I will follow that instead. Just get lost from the one thing to the next, and we want to give you the tools and freedom to do that.”

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