Artifact-Reboot: Valve will's nochmal wissen flat
Autor: membran
Datum:21.03.20 15:21
Antwort auf:Der PC Gaming Thread #10 - No fancy subtitle von X1 Two

Der Reboot wird laut Edge Magazine von Valve intern als "Artifact 2" bezeichnet.


“Artifact was an interesting failure in its first go-round." Newell tells Edge, “We were surprised. We thought that it was a really strong product.”
“We ran an experiment, we got a negative result, and now we need to see if we’ve learned anything from that, so let’s try again,” he says. “And that’s what the Artifact team have been doing and that’s what they’re getting ready to release. Based on the reaction to it, what was wrong with the product? How did we get there? Let’s fix those things and take another run at it.”

Edge reports that, internally, the follow-up to Artifact is being referred to as Artifact 2, though it's unclear if this will be a full blown sequel, a No Man's Sky-style comeback, or something else entirely, but Newell stresses that Valve has "to do a larger reboot in order to justify its existence to customers and to markets."

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