Disco Elysium has ruined The Outer Worlds for me flat
Autor: hoover2701
Datum:02.11.19 09:19
Antwort auf:Disco Elysium - RPG des Jahres? (PC) von phaxy


Fraser Brown kenne ich vom 3MA-Podcast und ich mag seinen kindlichen Enthusiasmus (und seinen schottischen Akzent). Der Artikel bringt schön auf den Punkt, was die beiden Spiele voneinander unterscheidet.

"The illusion of choice in The Outer Worlds is generally thin. There are several ways to complete most missions, but beyond a reputation system that you can largely ignore, your decisions spark very little reaction or comment. Regardless of the choices made, all our experiences of The Outer Worlds are going to be pretty similar. That does mean there's not much reason to burn through even more hours replaying it, but I wish it mattered more how I built my character or how I acted.  

In contrast, Disco Elysium immediately speeds off in loads of different story and ideological directions, letting you tug at strings as varied as the tenets of communism to the crime that it's your job to solve. Along the way, you'll build your detective from snatched memories and stray thoughts that you've internalised, transforming into an apocalyptic prophet or maybe a chemically-enhanced superman. Even seemingly incidental conversations with unimportant NPCs can teach you about yourself, and inform your development as a communist cop or super cop or really whatever kind of cop you fancy being."

Es ist vielleicht nicht wirklich sinnvoll, die beiden Spiele miteinander zu vergleichen, aber immerhin sind es zwei RPGs, die zeitgleich erschienen sind und wenn man Spielejournalist ist, der das eine testen muss und das andere spielen will, dann ist es durchaus legitim...

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