John Carmack: Ich bin reich, Crunch ist ok flat
Autor: X1 Two (deaktiviert)
Datum:31.08.19 09:34
Antwort auf:Crunch - Ausbeutung wie im 19. Jahrhundert? von Fritz Schober

“There’s some serious debate about it. Some people despise that about the industry, that no one should work that hard,” Carmack said. “And there are people that think there literally should be laws that prevent people from working that hard. I always have to argue against that. There is a power to obsession and being able to obsess over something—your life’s work. Instead of work-life balance, it’s your life’s work.”

He pointed out that programmers fresh out of college who join up with Facebook or Google have nice perks. They work hard, sure, but they get to eat candy at work. They have benefits and job security. But work in the games industry is often punishing, and even he admitted “it doesn’t pay as well, there’s less job security, and they work you a lot harder.”

Big games like Red Dead Redemption 2 don’t ship without workers suffering through long, often mandatory, periods of extended hours called “crunch.” Carmack didn’t see much problem with that.

“It allows products to exist that wouldn’t otherwise exist by people working at that level in a way that couldn’t be sustained in other industries,” he said. “Many of the greatest things that were made in gaming were only possibly by people throwing themselves at that level at it.”


Es war ja schon klar, dass er ein Arschloch ist, als er Dokumente und Sourcecode gestohlen hat beim Wechsel von id zu Oculus. Aber er ist offenbar ein richtiges Arschloch.

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