Laut Reddit: flat
Autor: dk_
Datum:29.04.19 12:22
Antwort auf:Wie geht der Teufelskreis Skill? von Kilik2001

The skill is left poorly explained but essentially it means that the next shot you land on an enemy you melee hit will deal a fuck tonne more damage.

For comparison, it takes like 7-8 hits with the boot knife to kill a regular freaker.

It takes 3-5 non headshots to kill a regular freaker with the pistol (the sap 9 or whatever it’s called)

With the perk you knife the freaker, they stagger back a step, you shoot them anywhere and they die.

It’s worth noting that you can’t target swap, the freaker you shoot has to be the one you meleed or it won’t be stronger, I also haven’t figured out the time limit yet.


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