Re:Frage zur Big game hunter Trophäe flat
Autor: hcn
Datum:03.04.19 12:20
Antwort auf:Frage zur Big game hunter Trophäe von cloud6

>Was genau muss man da, wo und wie machen?
>Gesendet mit M! v.2.7.0


To unlock the Big Game Hunter trophy in The Division 2, you will need to complete a bounty from all nine of the game's safe houses.

The safehouses will be automatically marked on your map when you visit each district for the first time. The list of safehouses are below:
- Downtown East Safe House
- Judiciary Square Safe House
- Federal Triangle Safe House
- East Mall Safe House
- Southwest Safe House
- West Potomac Park Safe House
- Constitution Hall Safe House
- Foggy Bottom Safe House
- West End Safe House

You can pick up bounties from safehouses on the message board inside. Each bounty will be a timed event that will require you to track and kill an enemy.

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