Re:Gut für Couch Coop? flat
Autor: lichtschalterer
Datum:01.03.19 14:38
Antwort auf:Re:Gut für Couch Coop? von 17383

>>Außer dem Tandem gibt es glaube ich gar keinen lokalen Multiplayermodus?
>Äh was?! Ich kann nicht gegeneinander rennen fahren?


Trials Rising also features a suite of multiplayer options, ranging from public and private multiplayer matches to more intimate--and hilarious--local multiplayer modes. Online multiplayer is straightforward; you join lobbies with up to seven other racers and compete across three courses, with points awarded based on your finishes. Trials plays better in a local multiplayer setting, and Rising's Party mode lets you organize up to eight courses into a single playlist with custom rules that up to four players can compete in. A new tandem motorcycle makes things even sillier. Two players control a single motorcycle through a course, making smooth course runs nigh impossible as you struggle to maintain control. It's a fun distraction that can be played for brief laughs.

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