Jim mag es nicht flat
Autor: Rand al'Thor
Datum:17.11.18 21:55
Antwort auf:Fallout 76 angekündigt von Slochy


Das gilt auch für The Sixth Axis:

"Fallout 76 had a lot to say when it was revealed. It was multiplayer, it had the largest world of any Fallout, it was going to be fun. The trouble is that it just doesn’t work, the world is too big and empty, and the quest design as uninspired as it gets. If the only way for a game to be entertaining is by having your friends make jokes about it as you journey together, then it has failed at one of the things that most games should be. It has failed at being fun, it has failed at being entertaining in its own right. If you want to hang out with some friends in an a post-apocalypse, then just go to a pub and watch the news."


Vielleicht hätten sie es lieber als Free2Play-Spiel rausbringen sollen. So werden wohl viele Spieler abwarten bis die gröbsten Ärgernisse gefixt werden.

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