Erste 10/10 überhaupt bei Road To VR flat
Autor: Spyro2000
Datum:02.10.18 09:12
Antwort auf:Astro Bot: Rescue Mission [PSVR] von Fred LaBosch

Astro Bot Rescue Mission is a superb game; the promising result of tasking a group of clearly talented game designers and developers with building a game around a brand new medium like VR. The game expertly executes every idea it brings to the table. There's charm throughout, derived from excellent animation, art direction, FX and SFX, right down to the interactive credits sequence. Astro Bot Rescue Mission claims our first 10 out of 10 because it's full of smart VR game design, and plays plays to the platform's strengths while avoiding its weaknesses. In addition to having the right amount of content to leave the player with a truly satisfying experience, it's hard to imagine many ways in which the game could have been better made.

Fuck, ich will das für Oculus & Co.
Ich habe schon von Anfang an gesagt, dass VR und 3rd Person eine Traumkombination sein können. Jetzt gibt es das perfekte Game dazu und ich kann's nicht zocken, argh! ;)

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