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Autor: Rapier
Datum:17.01.18 23:32
Antwort auf:Nintendo Labo - The King of Papp von Rapier


>The finished Toy-Cons are surprisingly sturdy, but won’t stand up to extended enthusiastic play with younger kids. They do, however, dispense with the need to ever spend money on plastic accessories. Nintendo plans to offer replacement cardboard kits and templates for players who break theirs, but the easier solution is just to mend it. You can stick the cardboard Toy-Cons back together with glue or tape, reinforce them, or decorate them with pens, washi tape or googly eyes, without affecting their functionality. It’s easy to imagine creative players and the online maker community taking this customisation in unexpected directions.

Frage mich, in welchem Maße das bei der Entwicklung der Switch schon durchgeplant war. HD-Rumble und die Infrarot-Kamera im linken JoyCon wurden von Spielen kaum genutzt, scheinen hier aber erst ihr komplettes Potenzial zu entfalten.

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