Re:Layton’s Mystery Journey (17,99€) flat
Autor: Slochy
Datum:20.07.17 15:28
Antwort auf:Re:Layton’s Mystery Journey (17,99€) von stef.

>Ist das denn ein vollständiger Teil für den Preis?

Ja. Ist eine Umsetzung des 3DS-Titels, der erst Anfang 2018 außerhalb Japanesiens erscheinen wird.

"From math to riddles and crate pushing puzzles, all your favorites are back; Including good ol' Layton trick questions!"

"Daily Puzzles, a staple of Layton games, are back as well. For the first  year after release, you’ll receive one free puzzle per day."

"Largely unchanged gameplay, menus and game flow. You travel from place to place via the shoe icon, examine your surroundings and zoom in via  the magnifying glass and keep track of puzzles, the story and characters  in your briefcase."

Was mich als iPad'ler bislang noch abhält, ist folgender Comment aus'm GAF:

"the ipad version is just a blown up version of the iphone version which in turn feels like a blown up 3ds emulator. Doesn't even support landscape outside of cutscenes. I quickly switched to the iPhone which I feel looks better and plays just as well."

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