Boah, die Releasepolitik ist total beschissen... flat
Autor: Pezking
Datum:27.02.17 19:37
Antwort auf:Middle Earth: Shadow of War von cloud6

"Pre-ordering the standard versions nets you a legendary Champions War Part and exclusive epic Sword of Dominion.

The silver edition also comes with the Slaughter Tribe Nemesis Expansion, Outlaw Tribe Nemesis Expansion and a Silver War Chest, all of which is said to be worth $90. Those Nemesis expansions include a new Orc Tribe featuring new enemies, followers, missions, abilities, weapons, Fortress and wilderness updates, and a Mythic Gear Set.

The gold edition adds to the silver edition, also delivering The Blade of Galadriel Story Expansion, The Desolation of Mordor Story Expansion and a Gold War Chest instead of a silver one, all of which is said to be worth more than $125. The story expansions introduce a new campaign, playable character and abilities, side missions, enemies, allies and more.

Finally, the mithril edition gives you the silver and gold goods along with a limited edition 15-inch Tar-Goroth Balrog vs. Carnan Drake statue, collection of exclusive lithographs, premium case with magnetic Ring of Power, exclusive steelcase, official game music soundtrack, cloth Map of Mordor, Tribes sticker pack and both gold and mithril war chests. WBIE says this is all worth more than $350."


Aber sonst geht's Euch noch gut? o_O

Der ganze Nippes ist mir scheißegal, aber die DLCs klingen hier teilweise echt substantiell. Ich hoffe mal den Gold-Story-DLC gibt es von Anfang auch einzeln zu kaufen. Ansonsten wäre das für mich fast mal ein seltener Fall, wo mir das Warten auf eine GOTY-Version viel sympathischer erscheint. :-/

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