Re:Hab's deshalb abgebrochen flat
Autor: Sachiel
Datum:25.08.16 12:45
Antwort auf:Re:Hab's deshalb abgebrochen von Marcio

>Soweit ich weiß wurden lediglich die Monsternester verschoben.

Hmm, hier heißt's, dass das gerade nicht der Fall ist (was nicht stimmen muss): []

"While it seems there have been no nest migrations, reports are coming in of increased spawn rates of uncommon/rare Pokémon. Part of this could be to break up the monotonous grind of only catching common Pokémon (Pidgey/Rattata), and making going out and catching Pokémon a little more exciting. There are also reports of Regional spawns significantly increasing as well.

The other half of this seems to be targeting rural areas, where many have complained the game is almost unplayable due to low spawns and lack of PokéStops. This is certainly a good move towards making the game more playable outside of major cities."

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