HP vs Armor vs Shields flat
Autor: membran
Datum:30.05.16 13:56
Antwort auf:Overwatch von Hanfling

Davon wusste ich einiges noch nicht:


Die beiden wichtigsten Punkte:

- Reduces damage from each damage source by 5 as long as it exists. This means it's extremely effective for blocking small, repeated sources of damage such as tracer bullets, shotgun "pellets", Winston's tesla gun, Zarya's beam, etc. For example, Tracer pistols vs a D.Va's huge pool of armor is ineffective as it gives virtually hundreds of extra hp. YES, this DOES reduce each pellet in a shotgun blast. It's been tested and verified multiple times. It has changed in the beta and any source that says each pellet is not reduced is using outdated info. For example Reaper does 70 damage to D.Va's armor instead of the 140 he would do to HP/Shields.

- Healing from other players (Mercy for example) is boosted by 50% for recovering armor.

Das dürfte D.Va ja zu einem extrem interessanten Heilziel für Mercy machen, was?

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