Interview flat
Autor: Lynne
Datum:30.10.15 10:47
Antwort auf:NieR Automata (Nier 2) - Gameplay Video von odst-soldier


Der (für mich) wichtigste Teil ist der hier, wo er Teil 2 im Verhältnis zu Teil 1 beschreibt:

Nier Automata, of course, will carry on providing those sudden shifts "The basic framework of the game is similar to the first," explains Taro. "You've got action bits and you've got adventuring and exploration as well. When I first got the request to set the game up from Saito-san, he requested a more action type of game, but I personally wanted to make something that was closer to Ocarina of Time, where you've got lots of field areas and you travel and do battle. I thought it was a really natural, really nice way for the game to be, so I tried to twist his brief to make it more of the kind of thing I wanted to make, and I think I've got it more of mine than his."


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