Konstante 60 fps, dynamische Auflösung (meist 1080p) flat
Autor: KOSH
Datum:15.09.15 09:18
Antwort auf:Halo 5 Guardians (Herbst 2015) von Gramatik

343 Industries has shared some big updates (information) on Halo 5: Guardians campaign, new gameplay screenshots from the campaign and two new videos. The developer stated that large portion of Halo 5: Guardians seems to be 1080p but it will dynamically change resolution in heavy action areas. In addition to this, 343 Industries also explained how 60FPS dynamic resolution topping at 1080p.

Halo 5: Guardians

In a recent blog post, 343i said: "Throughout production, our team pushed one another to ensure that gameplay spaces were huge, highly populated and alive. We've expanded our environments to support large battle scenes while surrounding them with multi-layered skyboxes that showcase the larger conflict around the player."

They further explained: "Ensuring 60fps throughout our play experience has required constant focus. Some sections of a mission might be relatively quiet and achieving 60fps is straightforward, but there are many situations where we dial the intensity up to 11. At those times, we need to maintain 60fps and give players the total experience from both a design and artistic perspective. This is where our new progressive resolution system comes into play, allowing the game to scale resolution dynamically as the experience gets more intense and complex.

In much of the campaign you may be playing at 1080p, but when we want to get really crazy with vehicles, visual effects and combat we can trade some of the resolution in order to maintain the crucial 60fps. Without this system, we would need to either reduce the scale of our most intense combat encounters or lower the quality of content across the game in order to stay at 60 fps at all times. With progressive resolution, we get the best of both worlds: epic scale experiences that look incredible while running at a consistent 60fps."

You can check out two new video of Halo 5: Guardians and campaign screenshots below.


Hört sich gut an und ist ein guter Kompromiß, um konstante 60 fps zu haben.

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