1/2 OT: Revelations 2? flat
Autor: Super Sonic
Datum:20.08.14 08:52
Antwort auf:Resident Evil HD Remaster angekündigt! von Pezking

Zumindest wird ein Screenshot der Box Art auf gehostet.
Fand Revelations nur mittelmäßig, die Ballerorgien zwischendrin waren einfach schlecht.

Rumors from the last thread concerning this title
There are three returning characters. Two female and one male. Two haven’t been seen in over a decade and one has never had an “in-game” appearance. Guess away. That’s more than enough.”
“Regarding the one who doesn’t appear in-game, I should be a little more specific(because I’m sure someone will call me a liar for being too general). They are mentioned in games but are a background character with no “active” appearance yet. It’s not someone from the movies/comics.”

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