Re:Mega Man Board Game flat
Autor: Orrpus
Datum:03.01.14 21:39
Antwort auf:Mega Man Board Game von Fieldy

>Mal gespannt ob Capcom was dagegen hat ;-)

Warum sollte man bei Capcom etwas dagegen haben?

"Because this is a licensed product, our contract with Capcom limits us to sales in North America, Europe, Australia/New Zealand, and the Middle East Only. If you live outside of these territories, we will not be able to ship pledged items to you.

If we reach enough funding, we will discuss extending our licensed territory with Capcom. You may still purchase the Mega Man Supporter pledge level to get updates and news. Backers that live in the assigned territory but outside of the United States must add the specified cost for shipping to their pledges.


< antworten >