Re:Alles schön und gut, aber... flat
Autor: jabbathehutt
Datum:26.09.11 14:18
Antwort auf:Re:Alles schön und gut, aber... von KOSH

>>>There's no getting away from the fact that the various issues with heavy frame-rate drops and near continuous screen-tearing more than outweigh the benefits in other areas. In that respect, the Microsoft platform is home to the most consistent gameplay experience, and one that comes with very little cost when it comes down to the overall look of the game. As such, it should be the number one choice for those without a semi-decent PC."
>>Wo genau steht da "Auf 360 gibt's kein tearing."? Lass' die Version mal jemand empfindlich auf Tearing -wie Phil- sehen, der wird dir direkt vor die Füße kotzen.
>Mein Gott, beruhige dich mal,...

Es ging um:
"Auf 360 gibt's kein tearing."

< antworten >