Re:Torchlight 2: Vorerst keine XBLA-Version flat
Autor: KOSH
Datum:13.08.11 18:49
Antwort auf:Re:Torchlight 2: Vorerst keine XBLA-Version von GPI

>While file size is not the issue here, memory is, Torchlight 2 would still need to be "comprehensively redesigned" to get on the Xbox 360's download service.
>Mein Englisch ist zwar schlecht, aber kling nicht nach der Downloadgröße.

Das hier klingt aber doch nach einem Downloadgrößenproblem:

He added that Runic would consider pursuing a full retail release for consoles, which eliminates the space worries of XBLA but poses another set of headaches, too. "We would absolutely consider that," he said, but they have had no discussions with publishers about it.

Die maximale Größe bei einem Arcade Spiel ist 2 GB

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