Re:PS3 Version - Steam Features flat
Autor: JCD
Datum:18.01.11 16:24
Antwort auf:PS3 Version - Steam Features von Baseman

>Marking the debut of Steam functioning on any next generation console, the features shipping in the PS3 version of Portal 2 include cross platform play (PC/Mac vs. PS3) for multiplayer games, persistent cloud-based storage of PS3 saved games, and cross platform chat (PC/Mac and PS3).
>In addition, those who purchase Portal 2 for the PlayStation 3 may unlock a Steam Play (PC & Mac) copy of Portal 2 at no additional cost by linking their PSN and Steam accounts.
>Nice! PC-Version für lau, immer her damit.

Hoffentlich werden dann die Trophies und Achievements systemübergreifend gleichgeschaltet. Und hoffentlich erscheint das Spiel auch uncut, das schwarze Blut bei Teil eins war ebenso dämlich wie unnötig.

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