Re:Grandios!!! flat
Autor: Baseman
Datum:16.01.11 20:41
Antwort auf:Re:Grandios!!! von DS_Nadine

>Also die drei Milliarden Animationsphasen einzeln in den DS packen? Ich glaub kaum. Zumal die Figuren sich ja auch nicht 'realistisch' bewegen.


Bis vor einigen Tagen war auch noch Ghost Trick auf der Liste, aber nach diesem Posting wurde es dort entfernt: []

In terms of the smooth animation, for example, that you were mentioning, if we made them in 3D, like if we made them with 3D polygons, and rendered them in 3D and stuff, you kinda start to see the limitations of the DS. It's not as high spec'd to be able to handle that many polygons. But we still wanted that smooth animation and smooth movements, so what we did was we actually made the 3D polygons, but then we rendered all the 3D polygons and all the motions to these 2D sprites and these 2D actions. So you end up with this incredible smooth and incredibly well animated motions for these characters, but without having to use the 3D polygons.

Die scheinen da ihr ganz eigenes Ding gemacht zu haben.

< antworten >