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Autor: festwürstchen
Datum:16.06.09 12:22
Antwort auf:Systemvergleich von festwürstchen

Zum Vergleich von lensoftruth:

heh, in some areas it's probably true. I know in some places some textures would be cut down for memory reasons, but I don't think it's a 100% thing. Although if texture resolution is a defining factor (and you don't care about multiplayer) the PC is easily the best version, for obvious reasons. But the single player game is still basically the same on all systems so just buy the game, I needs mah rent paid, haha

Zur Sache mit dem 'aber die PS3 war doch Lead Plattform':

I don't think we even necessarily think in terms of "lead platform" (I'm curious if other 3rd party devs do). We likely had versions of the game running on 360 and PC first, but that's probably just due to the fact that we (and every other developer in the world I assume) had more and final devkits for 360 before we got them for PS3 (360 was released a year earlier, obviously), not because we had a special love of Microsoft or anything.

But our engine was made to be cross platform, and runs pretty well on 360/PS3/PC. PC runs the best out of all of them due to the nature of the platform, but not because it was determined to be "the lead". Some things might have been better if we did a 360 exclusive. Some things might have been better if it was PS3 exclusive (which to me, is what that quote seems to refer to, the hypothetical "if we were PS3 only and could focus 100% of our time on it" scenario).

That's my safe, neutral answer and I'm sticking to it :P
Im Prinzip bestätigt der Typ, dass einfach beide Konsolen ihre technischen Stärken haben und man sich aufgrund unterschiedlicher Schwächen auf dem kleinsten gemeinsamen Nenner treffen muss. (Was auch der Aussage von anderen 3rd Parties entspricht wie Crytek, id usw.)

Zur Frage welche Version er kaufen würde:

personally I would pick 360, but I saw you mentioned earlier that you would want to play multiplayer with other PS3 owners, so I would probably go with PS3 in that specific case. And maybe the sixaxis wrangle stuff is fun. I've never actually tried it myself, though I'm surprised reviews haven't mentioned it (it's still in the options AFAIK)

Aus'm neogaf.

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